Lorimer- Kobo Project

I had a Skype meeting with the children’s editor and a publicist at Lorimer books yesterday. They have agreed to let us to download books for our Kobos for free! I am so excited to see which books my ESL students will choose. There is a lot of overlap between English Language Learners and “reluctant readers.” Both groups want to read materials appropriate their age, despite reading below grade level. I am very optimistic that my students will enjoy their new books.

Check back for more updates on the Kobo ‘experiment’ as we start reading our new books.

Mrs. W.



Budgies are the third most beautiful of all bird species.

Budgies can only fly to the next neighborhood because they have small wings.

You can give them seeds where you got the budgies from and if you get grapes from outside you have to wait  one minute so the chemicals go away. You should not give any more food. I will tell you one more thing budgies can learn over 2054 words. Thank you for reading my story.

                                           By Imam

budgie pic

100 Years from now….


1) I will go to college

2) I will get a government job

3) In the future cars can swim

4) In the future boats have wheels

5) In the future everyone will be Superman and Spiderman.

6) In the future ghosts will come.

7) In the future I will be a vampire.

8) In the future I will be a super hero.

9) In the future I will save the world.

10) In the future I will be a marvel hero.

11) In the future I will be a snow man.

12) In the future I will be flying.

13) In the future everybody will live under water.

14) In the future I will live in space.

15) In the future there will be beaches on space.

16) In the future I will take bath in fire.

17) In the future I will get inside the television.

18) In the future I will make a robot.

19) In the future the world will be like a cartoon.

20) In the future aliens will be my friend

21) In the future animals will read books.

22) In the future people won’t die.

23) In the future the world will be water world

By: t



I went to Toronto Island, by ferry. First we went to a bench. Then we ate food then we at a beach. My sister was scared. Then we go Splash , it  was  cold .Then  we  go to pool  it was OK  then we stayed for some time. Then we went home.
