Online Magazines for Kids – Assignment

Explore some of these online magazines. Choose at least three to compare. Choose your favourite out of the three magazines you look at and answer the questions at the bottom of the page…. You can write your comments in the comment box below. (Remember to write your initials and your grade after your comment, not your full name.)



1)    Which magazine is your favorite? Why?

2)    Do you prefer online magazines or printed magazines on paper? Why?

3)    Are you able to read online magazines at home?

4)    Is it easier to find your way around an online magazine or a paper one?

5)    Which has better information, a paper magazine or an online magazine?

6 thoughts on “Online Magazines for Kids – Assignment

  1. 1) I like Canadian Geographic best because of the great pictures.
    2) I prefer paper magazines because I can read them while I eat my breakfast.
    3) I can read online magazines but I don’t. I read ebooks on my Kobo but I don’t like reading on my computer.
    4) I find it easier to search an online magazine.
    5) I think the information in online magazines is better for current facts. I think the articles in paper magazines are better because the articles are longer and issues can be given more thought.
    Mrs. W. (grade ?)

  2. 1) I like owl kids because it had amazing kids pictures.
    2) I prefer online magazines because it has vidoes and paper magazines don’t have vidoes.
    3) Well! I want to but my mom doesn’t let me go on the computer alot.
    4) A paper one because it has a glossry.
    5) Both of them has . But paper ones have more . I found that by comparing both of the magazines.

  3. 1)My favraite magzine was sickids.
    2) It depends on how much information it has for me.
    3) Yes I am.
    4) I think a paper one.
    5)I think a online magzine.

  4. 1)I like highlightskids magazine beacuse i can play games and look for somthing to buy.
    2)I prefer online magazine beacuse i can find lots of information.

  5. 1) I like the the online magazines because there have an easyer way to find my favorite topics.
    2)I like the online magazines because they have aresome game not boring games
    3)yes because I have an computer at home
    4)yes because they have an seach title to find your tpices
    5)a paper magazineshave long information than a online magazines

  6. 1.i like time for kids because there a lot books
    2. Is it easier to find paper magazine, because my dad don’t let me to use lots of internet

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